30 Nov 23
Greenthumb Lawn Care takes care of their van fleet's wear and tear by bringing on Legend floors
Conducting approximately 2.5 million lawn treatment visits per year from 220 branches across the nation, Greenthumb Lawn Care is one of the leading lawn care service providers in the United Kingdom. Their van fleet, also one of the largest work van fleets in the UK, must hold up to brunt of the hard, rugged work inherent in the lawn care industry.
Throughout the daily operation of the business, Greenthumb found that at the end of their vehicle’s leases, they were being hit with large costs due to the damages to the interior of the vehicles. This was a result of Greenthumb’s use of heavy lawn care machinery that featured sharp protruding edges, usually wet and dirty, being dragged in and out of the vehicles.
Standard plywood floors just didn’t cut it
Their traditional plywood flooring, upfitted in all their vans, proved no match for the heavy daily use and was regularly breaking and cracking under the strain. The moisture didn’t help as this allowed water ingress into the wood which developed mould and further compromised the floor creating more damage.
The immense cost of returning damaged vehicles forced Greenthumb to begin the search for a viable alternative to common plywood floors. Upon discovering the products offered by manufacturer LEGEND Fleet Solutions at a trade show, Martin Hailwood, Greenthumb’s Operations Department Head, impressed upon Greenthumb the demonstrated indestructibility of LEGEND’s products and they made the switch to full LEGEND lining kits.
“First of all, the machinery we carry around, are aerators and scarifiers, those are big, heavy-duty machines, that, with a normal ply base (floor), after a while that is quite robust, but still from the damage of the machines going in and out, the surface area starts to break up, and then we started getting water ingress, so we’ve seen Legend floor here last year, and as we’ve seen, the product is damned near indestructible! With the lightweight (liners & floors), we can get an additional full of knapsack of water on board, which is about 20-25 kilos, it also means fuel savings for our vans!”
- Martin Hailwood, Greenthumb, Operations
Dramatic discovery after LEGEND lining kits were installed
Within days of the newly upfitted LEGEND vehicles hitting the road and commencing use, Greenthumb pleasantly learned that the damage from daily use was eliminated regardless of the rough bangs, scrapes, gouges and ample spills. In fact, not only did LEGEND’s floors resist impact and water damage, but the floors also resisted oil and chemical spills as well.
Greenthumb’s leasing provider recognized the LEGEND upfit and acknowledged their vans were now worth more at the end of their lease thanks to the floors and interior linings. This ultimately led to a recalculation of Greenthumb’s leasing costs and resulted in an enormous saving! Compared to the minimal cost of the upfit, Greenthumb realized that upfitting LEGEND kits was not only saving them the cost of damaged vehicles, but it was also an investment with a measurable ROI at the lease end.
LEGEND products are designed to be extremely durable and liquid-resistant for the life of the vehicle. Greenthumb can now happily throw whatever they like around the interior of their vans with peace-of-mind that their investment is fully protected.
LEGEND successfully improved the ride for Greenthumb’s Legends Of The Road.
Learn how a complete upfit of your van or van fleet can benefit your bottom line.
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